Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Need Opinions! Which version?

Ok, everyone. I need your help. As you know, I have been doing lots of ultrasound art lately. There is something quite satisfying about taking those flimsy black and white sonogram snapshots and turning them into a colorful piece of art. I have been experimenting with different versions of my latest one and I need your help deciding which one to use. Of the two (very similar) versions of the ultrasound painting below, which one do you like the best and why? Either comment below, shoot me an email or Facebook me! :)

"Iris 1" 11x14 Watercolor on 140 lb. paper

"Iris 2" 11x14 Watercolor on 140 lb. paper

If you are interested in commissioning a piece of ultrasound/ sonogram art for a gift or keepsake, contact me to discuss your custom watercolor painting. Standard pricing applies ($1.60 per square inch). To see step-by-step photos of how my ultrasound art is created, see Start to Finish: How Ultrasound Art is Made

To see more work, visit or connect with me on Facebook

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Start to Finish: How Ultrasound Art is Made

Lots of you have asked questions about my ultrasound paintings and how they are made. I use a process called pouring, where I paint with drawing gum, pipe the color on with a dropper, let it dry and then do it again. Below is a step-by-step account of how one of my ultrasound pieces is created. 

"Aiden" 11x14 Watercolor on 140 lb. paper

Step 1: Get ideas
This client wanted me to create an ultrasound painting as a surprise for his girlfriend. Lucky girl, huh? (Don't worry, I asked before posting this. I am not ruining the surprise.) He liked the ultrasound painting that I did with the keys and wanted something similar, but maybe with baby blocks. He also wanted the name of the child incorporated somewhere in the piece. The size was to be 11x14. 

Step 2: Brainstorm Designs
Since he liked "Glimpse through the Keyhole," I knew that I wanted to create a design with dramatic light. During the brainstorming phase, I drew out dozens and dozens of different composition ideas. 

Step 3: Sketch the chosen design
I decided on a design and sketched it out on some drawing paper that is the same size as the watercolor paper I plan to use. 

Step 4: Add details
In pouring, you really have to have your values (lights and darks) planned out ahead of time. The whole piece depends on how you arrange the values, especially in a painting that is going to have some dramatic light. I know I need super light lights and super dark darks. I rumble around in my kids' toy box and get some blocks out to look at while I complete some value sketches. 

Step 5: Transfer the design to watercolor paper
Now it is time to transfer the design to watercolor paper using graphite transfer sheets.

Step 6: Mask and pour layer one
I find my lightest values and I mask them over with drawing gum. Once that has dried, I wet the paper and pipe the paint on with a dropper. Layer one looks like this. 

Step 7: Repeat step six lots of times
I find my next lightest value, mask it with the drawing gum and pour the paint. Then I do the same for the next lightest and so on. I do this until I have one layer for each value, which can take a really long time. This is a picture of what it looks like while I am pouring the paint on. 

Step 8: Let it dry
I have to let the paper dry out completely in between layers so that the paper does not tear when I remove the drawing gum. This is the final layer drying. 

Step 9: Remove the drawing gum
The drawing gum is a mixture of latex and ammonia (yeah, stinky), so it forms a sort of skin over the paper. I use a rubber cement pick up eraser to remove the skin. My painting is underneath!

Step 10: Soften lines and touch up
I use a scrubber brush or Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to soften lines and then I use a direct painting method to add details where needed. 

Step 11: Finished! 
Now the ultrasound art is finished and ready to frame. Do you think the mother-to-be will like her surprise? Are you wondering how long it takes me to produce a painting like this? See How Long Does it Take to Create a Watercolor Painting?.  Still don't quite understand how the pouring process works? See Start to Finish: Pouring Watercolor

Want to commission an ultrasound painting of your own? Contact me by email at or visit my website at Be sure to connect with me on Facebook

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ultrasound Paintings for Gifts and Keepsakes

These watercolor paintings are based on ultrasound images. If you are interested in commissioning a piece of ultrasound/ sonogram art for a gift or keepsake, contact me to discuss your custom watercolor painting. Standard pricing applies ($1.60 per square inch). To see step-by-step photos of how my ultrasound art is created, see Start to Finish: How Ultrasound Art is Made

To see more work, visit or connect with me on Facebook

"Aiden" 11x14 Watercolor on 140 lb paper

"A Glimpse through the Keyhole" 11x14 Watercolor on 140 lb. paper. 

"Fearfully and Wonderfully" 11x14 Watercolor on 140 lb. paper. 

"Bereishith" 20x26 Watercolor on 140 lb. paper. 

"The Stuff of Stars" 11x14 Watercolor on 140 lb. paper .

"Dreaming Inside" 11x14 Watercolor on 140 lb. paper .

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Glimpse Through the Keyhole

"A Glimpse Through the Keyhole" 11x15 Watercolor on 140 lb. paper. 

This watercolor is based on an ultrasound picture. If you are interested in commissioning a piece of ultrasound/ sonogram art for a gift or keepsake, contact me to discuss your custom watercolor painting. Standard pricing applies ($1.60 per square inch). 

To see more work, visit or connect with me on Facebook

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Custom Ultrasound Art

"Bereishith" Watercolor on 140 lb. paper. 20x26

This watercolor is based on an ultrasound picture. If you are interested in commissioning a piece of ultrasound/ sonogram art for a gift or keepsake, contact me to discuss your custom watercolor painting. Standard pricing applies ($1.60 per square inch). 

To see more work, visit or connect with me on Facebook